A combination of Harris's poor sleeping habits and all the exercise has left me drained and exhausted this friday. So drained in fact that it is difficult to string a sentence toghether. I really should be in bed.
Due to a very broken night last night I toned it down a bit today and did a 5km walk in just on an hour. I definitely feel much fitter than I did a few weeks back as the walk was a breeze and I was struggling to get my heart rate up.
Kristy asked me about whether I was still logging my food on Calorie King.
The answer is yes!
Even though I have a pretty good idea of what I need to eat to keep the nutrient balance approximately right for me ( I aim for 40 % Carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat - or there abouts)
- it is surprisingly easy to over do the calories without trying to hard at all. I tend to log my planned food the night before and that achieves two things.
a) it helps me to visualise what I am going to eat the next day - and thus helps me to stick to the planned food.
b) it means I know what calories I am planning to be on for the next day and whether or not I can squeeze in a coffee as a treat or an extra slice of bread here and there to make the day more balanced.
Because I am breastfeeding, my calorie intake is a little higher than it used to be when I was training for the half marathon - I find that if I dont keep it around 1500cal a day that I am verging on the pint of getting too hungry - and I know that overhungryness combined with tiredness is a big risk factor for me wanting to eat poorly. I know that if I have a big calorie dense meal I will feel great energy wise - but that's not so good for the waist line. So I kind of have to keep it in check - and cal king helps with that.
In the mean time... if you happen to see the drool monster (example a in the above pics), I would take cover.....he likes milk..and not the cow kind!
Edit at 4 am....
I had a revelation sometime in the past 6 hours, perhaps while I was struggling to keep my eyes open while feeding Harris.
Even if I have 1 meal that is slightly off plan or a worse choice than it possibly could have been, it will still mean I have had a better day that I would have had I done this:
Gotten up...put off eating breakfast until I knew the local cafes were open.....drive to the cafe/bakery..... eat something along the lines of a chocolate crossoiant, egg and bacon roll or a muffin and wash it down with a coffee..... eat nothing else until 12:30ish and then be starving..... be out in the car running errands with Harris and think "it'll be too hard to make something when I get home because Harris won't let me put him down without crying..... get KFC or Macca's through the drive through...... again not eat anything until dinner.......feel tired and lethargic and not want to cook dinner.....suggest to Mark that we get Turkish Pizza for dinner
OR the alternative
Wake up tired from getting up to Harris all night but know I will feel much better after eating.....make an egg white omlette which takes about 5 minutes and is very tasty...... drive to the lake and go for a 5km walk outdoors...it's cold but the fresh air is lovely......get back to the car and eat an apple and a protein bar...head to fresh food markets to pick up some vege and free range eggs for weekend breakfasts.... head home and eat pre prepped turkey mince and vege with pasta sauce from freezer......chill on the lounge with Harris all afternoon....feel tired and exhausted - not like cooking dinner...suggest we go to a local cafe where I knew I could get something relatively healthy for dinner....find out that it is closed for 3 months for reno's and am a little dissapointed....go to the local vietnamese instead......make a relaively poor choice in the Chicken laksa because feel the need to eat quickly before Harris gets grumpy...go home feeling the need to trawl the cupboards for sweet things due to feeling tired and flat...make a pot of chai tea with a drizzle of honey, have a small handful of dried cranberries and a couple of bikkies that Mark cooked.....go to bed feeling guity about the indulgence and know that there is going to be a spike on the scales in the morning...have the realisation above and start feeling a whole lot better about my day!
Thankyou Andrea for that post that helps alot. I will now head over to calorie king and log my food for tomorrow. It has all been sorted, but no idea how many calories!
ReplyDeleteI am feeling much better Andj, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog :)
Tomorrow is the 1st of June and a great day to start afresh.